At present it is of vital importance that companies adopt policies and measures that
generate value to their entity, in the same way the same trade and its regulation has made
entities enter an environment of globalization, for the principles, accounting and financial
reporting standards and information assurance in Colombia took place the process of
implementing the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) o NIIF en colombia.
In the development of this research, the NIIF for PYMES will address a specific issue
such as the fair value measurement of assets and liabilities, is section 34.
In the case of an enterprise’s fixed assets, relevance will be given to the issue of
biological assets, since it is on this research that the treatment of these assets is based.
Based on the NIIF for PYMES section 34 and NIC 41, a methodology for the
recognition and measurement of avocado hass cultivation in the financial statements of an
agricultural production unit is presented to enable farmers to generate value in their
productive units and contribute to the region’s economy.
En la actualidad es de vital importancia que las empresas adopten políticas y
medidas que generen valor a su entidad, de igual manera el mismo comercio y su
reglamentación ha hecho que las entidades entren en un entorno de globalización, para el
caso de los principios, normas de contabilidad e información financiera y aseguramiento de
la información en Colombia se dio el proceso de implementación de las Normas
Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF).